3 Reasons to Convert Your Oil Furnace to Gas
There are many benefits to converting your oil furnace to gas. The increased efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness of propane gas are just some examples. If you’re curious about converting your oil furnace to propane gas, you’ve come to the right place. Continue reading to discover these three reasons to convert your oil furnace to gas.
1. Save Money
If you’ve been purchasing oil every year, then you’re probably aware of the growing cost to heat your home.
While the price per gallon of oil is slightly less than propane in some places, oil is not as efficient as propane.
If you have an older oil furnace, they typically have an efficiency rating of 60. This means just 60 cents of each dollar you pay for oil is going towards heating your home. Propane furnaces run at 90 percent efficiency or higher. That saves you money on top of the lower cost of propane gas.
Gas furnaces are also cleaner and quieter. They’re much easier to maintain than oil heating systems which need constant checking and maintenance.
2. Versatility
When you make the switch from oil to gas you are saving on more than just your heating bill. propane gas lines are used for your home’s water heater, dryer, stove, pool heater, and other appliances. These are all far less expensive than using electric appliances.
Switching to propane gas lines opens up a variety of other options in your home. They can be used to install and run propane gas fireplaces, steam or hot water boiler systems, and don’t forget forced air furnaces.
During a power outage, having propane gas appliances can keep you up and running if you have a standby generator. You’ll be able to cook food and stay warm despite severe weather. Propane gas also heats your home more efficiently and quicker than electricity while reducing the energy necessary to run other appliances.
3. Environmentally-Friendly
You can sleep well knowing that your propane gas lines are a clean-burning fuel that is better for the environment than oil. Your home will contribute to fewer pollutants than heating oil and other fossil fuels.
It actually produces around 30% less Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere than heating oil. Plus, propane gas doesn’t release mercury into the air as heating oil does. You can instantly reduce your carbon footprint by switching to propane gas.
How Much Does It Cost to Switch?
Converting from oil to gas heating depends on your individual situation along with the service provider. That said, the range of switching to propane gas can cost between $4,500 and $7,000. Although prices can be more for an above average size home.
Ultimately, for many, the long term advantages make these upfront costs well worth the expense. You can find rebates and credits to help with the cost in your area.
Reasons to Convert Your Oil Furnace to Gas
We hope these reasons to convert your oil furnace to gas help you to make the right decision for your home. The long term savings, convenience, and safety make this switch a positive one for most homes.
If you’re wondering how much switching to propane gas is going to cost you, request a quote from our experts today.