How Much Does It Cost To Heat a Pool With Propane?
Stepping into cold water can be refreshing after a hot summer day. In fact, there are even health benefits to it. That same cold water probably will not feel the same once September rolls around.
The best way to extend your pool season past summer is with a heated pool. Heating your pool with a propane pool heater can be a surprisingly economical way to start your pool season early and extend your pool season later into the season. Continue reading to learn all about heating your pool with a propane pool heater.
Heating Your Pool with Propane Allows for the Perfect Temperature
Every pool owner knows there’s such as “the right temperature” when it comes to pool water. As a homeowner, you want to ensure your families and friends enjoy their time in the pool without freezing or overheating. The same goes for businesses that have a pool installed at their location for guests to use freely.
For the average person, 77-85° is the perfect pool temperature. However, some people may prefer a warmer pool, such as older adults who experience arthritis pain relief from warmer water.
It’s best to keep the temperature under 95 degrees if you do not want to treat the pool like a hot jacuzzi as this can encourage the growth of bacteria as well as increase the likelihood of injury for swimmers.
Weather Affects Pool Heating Costs
Aside from the type of heater you purchase, there are a few other factors that affect the overall cost. You also want to factor the size, type, and average daily air temperatures into consideration.
Do you have an indoor pool or an outdoor pool? This too affects the amount of energy it will take to heat the pool and, therefore, the cost. Another factor is the general temperature range of your area and how often you need to heat your pool. For example, some people living in warmer clients prefer a warmer swimming temperature and, therefore, choose to heat their pools year-round. Whereas, in Long Island, a homeowner may heat their pool a few months out of the year to extend the swimming season.
Propane Pool Heaters Are Efficient
While there are several types of pool heaters on the market, propane pool heaters are generally thought of as the most cost-effective choice. Propane pool heaters are more efficient than other types and are able to heat your pool more quickly with less fuel.
With propane gas heaters, you’re able to enjoy your pool during the colder months. You can also get the most out of the hotter months and have better control over pool temperatures.
Propane gas heaters provide steady, warm temperatures that help your pool stay comfortable for an extended period of time.
Propane Usage is Related to Pool Size
Propane pool heaters are highly efficient. On average, it takes about one gallon per hour per 100,000 BTUs to operate. The average propane heater has about 400,000 BTUs which amounts to four gallons per hour.
Prices fluctuate with demand, but you can expect to pay about $2.00-$3.25 per gallon.
Depending on the size of your pool and other factors that affect the price, you can expect to spend about $8-13 for every hour on propane.
Smaller pools will cost less to heat compared to larger pools. The average pool holds about 10-40K Gallons of water and generally takes about 7-14 hours to heat. Keep your desired temperature in mind and how long you want to maintain that temperature. You may spend a few hundred to over a thousand dollars a month as a homeowner and a business owner who needs pool heating, respectively. You can put the total cost into better consideration by determining the size of your pool.
Propane Heaters Provide Additional Cost Savings
When deciding between different options for heating your pool you will, of course, consider the price of the pool heater and installation costs. However, going with the cheapest option can waste money in the long-run. Be sure to take into consideration the long-term costs associated with different types of heaters.
Propane heaters can heat your pool to the desired temperature and stay warm for longer. Since propane is an efficient method of heating your pool, you can save on your utility bills with a propane pool heater. This means you will save on bills month after month and year after year.
Propane water heaters also tend to have fewer maintenance issues and low maintenance costs.
Save up to 30% on Propane
Switch to Propane Depot and save up to 30% on propane, plus get a monitor installed for free as long as your usage is over 100 gallons a year. If it’s under that there is a minimal charge for the monitor.
With our custom portal and phone app you can view your tank level online, order fuel (if you prefer to order yourself), view delivery history, pay your bill, see your current price and more. If you prefer to order yourself chose our Monitored Will Call service and our custom software will send you automatic text alerts when it’s time to order fuel so you don’t have to remember to log in and check your level. If you prefer to have us handle everything choose our Smart Fill service and we’ll watch the tank levels and usage, delivering automatically as needed.
Switch to Propane Depot, Long Island’s top rated propane company.
Click here to request a quote or call us at 631-400-SAVE